Hi everyone,
Welcome to Emergency M. I am a second year EM resident in the U.S.. This site is intended as a collection of original posts and reviews of existing content about emergency medicine.
At this point I’d like to invite anyone to submit content. To be eligible for submission I ask that you tell me your past/present role in patient care, and provide either a social media handle (e.g., an established twitter account with posts dedicated to medicine / emergency care) or an institutional email address. You may request that your contribution be anonymous. Submissions should be original content or a link to original content. Note that here is no monetary compensation for content submitted. The best I can offer is the opportunity for some informal peer review, a potential item for your CV, and my sincere gratitude (which may involve free coffee or beer in the future).
I can’t promise that all submissions will get posted, but please consider anything EM related –however informal– as a potential post at this time.
Please keep in mind that one of my biggest concerns as editor is to protect patient privacy which may require additional edits on my part. I will send back a copy of any significant edits prior to publishing.
Ok, that’s it for now. Please contact me via twitter, @mayknee for submissions, ideas or any questions.
Matt Mehne